No more worries about contraception
Male sterilisation, no more worries about contraception
Male sterilisation, also known as vasectomy, is a minor surgical procedure on the sperm tubes to prevent pregnancy. In this procedure, the doctor cuts and removes a small piece of the sperm tubes. Male sterilisation has no negative impact on your sex life.

Male sterilisation needs to be carefully performed. At Andros, the procedure is always done by an experienced doctor.

Reliable contraception
Each year, about 20,000 men undergo this procedure to be ensured of reliable contraception. Male sterilisation is a permanent form of contraception and considered irreversible. Male sterilisation is also known as vasectomy.
No negative impacts on ejaculation
The procedure does not negatively affect the sexual mechanism and the sensation after a sexual climax. Sperm cells will not leave the body in the semen and are broken down by the body. The amount of semen will look the same as only a small part of the semen consists of sperm cells (a few percent). Your semen may appear somewhat less viscous (less jelly-like). Read more about sex after male sterilisation
Is male sterilisation the right option for you?
In the Netherlands and the United States, 11% of couples choose vasectomy as a means of contraception. Male sterilisation has been carried out on a large scale for at least 50 years and has proven to be a safe and reliable procedure, also for the long term.
The sterilisation procedure takes about 10-15 minutes and is carried out under local anaesthesia in one of our clinics. You have to be certain that you do not want to have any (more) children, now and in the future. Sterilisation cannot be easily reversed. Undoing sterilisation means having full surgery without a guaranteed chance of success.
How is male sterilisation performed?
- First, our doctor will explain the procedure to you in detail.
- The procedure starts with disinfecting your scrotum.
- You will get a local anaesthetic through injections in the skin of your scrotum.
- Through a small cut on the top left and top right of your scrotum, the doctor will have access to your sperm tubes to cut out a small piece.
- The ends of the tubes are tied.
- Cuts in the skin are closed and covered with sterile bandages.
Our doctors follow the guidelines for vasectomy (male sterilisation) of the Dutch Association of Urology. Read more about the aspects before and after the procedure
Why choose Andros?
- Since 2004, Andros has provided urological care to men.
- Sterilisations are always carried out by professional and well-experienced doctors.
- Our clinics have the ZKN-keurmerk (ZKN certificate) referring to the highest possible quality standards in our field of specialism.
- High satisfaction rate: in from reviews on Zorgkaart Nederland.
Male sterilisation can be performed at our clinics in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Baarn and Rijswijk – The Hague.
Costs of male sterilisation
The costs of sterilisation performed at Andros are €495 in 2024 & 2025. Before the procedure starts, you are requested to pay by debit card at our reception. It is not possible to pay in cash or by credit card. You will receive an online invoice. The costs of a vasectomy are not covered by the basic package of health insurers, which means you will have to pay for the costs yourself charged by clinics or hospitals. If this is the case, you do not need a referral from your GP. In general, hospitals apply similar or higher charges for this procedure.
In case you have a supplemental insurance, you can reimburse the costs with your health insurer. If so, please make sure to get a referral from your GP and approval from your health insurer. We advise you to contact your health insurer before visiting our clinic. Read more about the costs
Are you younger than 30 years old? If so, you must have a referral from your GP and an informative first visit to our clinic.
Immediate procedure, or need more information?
Do you consider male sterilisation at Andros? If so, these are the options:
- Informative first visit, followed by a second visit to perform the procedure.
- Immediate procedure on your first visit. Certain conditions apply for the Single Visit procedure. Read about conditions
Not instantly infertile
You are not instantly infertile after the procedure. The first months after the operation, your semen will contain sperm cells as there are still sperm cells present in the seminal vesicles and the prostate. You are advised to use a contraceptive during sexual intercourse. After approx. 3 months and at least 30 ejaculations, you can hand in a sperm sample which will be examined in the lab to find out if you are infertile. Read more
After the procedure, you will receive a container and a lab form with additional information about collecting and submitting sperm. Test results will be available within 3 weeks. You will receive a written notice of the test results. It may occur that you have to hand in an additional sample. One to three patients in 1,000 experience renewed fertility after a long period of time caused by re-attachment growth of the sperm tube ends, creating free passage to sperm cells.
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The ZKN-keurmerk (ZKN certificate) guarantees quality, professionalism, safety and hygiene with independent assessments.
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