No more worries about contraception

Benefits of male sterilisation at Andros Clinics

Andros Clinic is the leading specialist clinic for men. Many men choose to undergo a procedure at our specialist clinics. The procedures are performed by experienced urologists.

  • Largest urological clinic with locations across the Netherlands.
  • Since 2004, Andros has provided urological care to men.
  • A urologist is a doctor who specialises in male genital organs.
  • Sterilisations are always carried out by professional and well-experienced urologists.
  • Andros Clinics has the ZKN-keurmerk (ZKN certificate) referring to the highest possible quality standards in our field of specialism.
  • Every year, over 15,000 clients find their way to Andros.
  • High satisfaction rate: 9.1 in 2023 from reviews on Zorgkaart Nederland.
  • Short waiting times.
  • Sterilisations costs are similar or less costly compared to hospital charges.
  • Immediate sterilisation procedure during first visit and/or first informative visit are optional.
  • In-house sperm checks (not Den Bosch).
  • Referral from GP not needed in general.
  • Andros participates in Zorgdomein, if referral from GP is needed.
  • Expertly performed male sterilisation in a relaxed atmosphere.​

Male sterilisation at our clinics:

Especially for men
Well-experienced urologists
Relaxed atmosphere
Short waiting times
Immediate procedure during first visit optional

What is a urologist?

A urologist is a doctor who specialises in the field of urology, a specialty within medicine occupied with the treatment of the male genital organs, kidneys and urinary tract. Being the specialist when it comes to the male genital organs, it is only logical that sterilisations are performed by urologists.

logo zkn Keurmerk

The ZKN-keurmerk (ZKN certificate) guarantees quality, professionalism, safety and hygiene with independent assessments.

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Patientenfederatie Nederland
Average rating on Zorgkaart Nederland: 9.1

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